About Us


The inception of Aletheia United Academy began with a heart posture of prayer. In October 2022, a group of families saw a need to offer homeschooling students an avenue for academic accountability and regular, in person, peer-to-peer connections rooted in a biblical worldview. As prayer and discussions continued, three of the founding members began visiting hybrid model schools in the southeast region of the United States. They fully immersed themselves in the hybrid academic culture to truly understand the model and what it would look like to bring this type of classroom setting to Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Lord continued to impress on them the desire to cultivate the hearts and minds of students through home education and academic rigor. The call to disciple the students within the home, while also creating scholars who are able to achieve academic success remained at the center of Aletheia United Academy’s core beliefs and values. With that deep-seated vision, it was decided that Aletheia would be a Christian hybrid academic community.

Believing that, “He is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20), the founding members pressed on in faith to see what God was doing with the vision to start this hybrid community.

In January 2024, the Aletheia United Academy Board of Directors was formed and the goal of a 2024-25 academic year was established. It was determined that in order to best teach our students diligently (Deuteronomy 6:9), we need the support of loving teachers, offering regular instruction, who assist the teaching parents in character development, discipleship, and academic rigor. The founding members heartily believe that it is essential to unite the heart of discipleship with the expertise of a skilled educator in order to create kingdom scholars who love Christ and who are on mission to fulfill the Great Commission in the world.

Offering Academic Accountability in a Community Setting


Classical education refers to a three stage approach to education, which is often referred to as the Trivium, Latin for "three ways." This three stage approach consists of the Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric stages of education where each stage builds on its predecessor. As students progress through the three stages of learning and academic levels—Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric—they receive a comprehensive education that fully integrates a Biblical worldview and focuses on ordering their loves to become life-long learners, Christ followers, and responsible citizens.


Because we believe that God created all things, redeemed all things, and restored all things through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that facts, whether mathematical, scientific, historical, or otherwise can only be taught in the context of a biblical worldview. As image bearers of God, students are trained to know and love the true, the good, and the beautiful, culminating in a virtuous life. Students educated in the classical Christian tradition reason, think logically, examine arguments, and communicate effectively both in written and spoken word.


Aletheia United Academy thrives on a collaborative relationship between a gifted educator in the classroom setting and a co-teaching parent at home. We function in loco parentis, a Latin term meaning, in place of the parents, three out of five days of the week. Professional teachers instruct the students in the classroom setting offering academic instruction for the students and support for the home educating parents. In order for our community and students to thrive at Aletheia, it takes a collaborative effort between the classroom teachers and the co-teaching parents at home on the Learn@Home Days.

A Letter from Our president

With Joyful Expectation

On behalf of the Aletheia Board of Directors I want to say, welcome. It is with joyful expectation that we welcome you to take the next step in the process to join the Aletheia family, the Tribe.

This journey has been a blessed story of God’s faithfulness as the Board of Directors walked with courage to offer a hybrid learning community to the Charlottesville, Virginia area.

It is our heartfelt desire to offer an academic community that is built on the foundation of God’s Word, spurring students on toward love and good deeds. Linking arms with their parents, the co-teachers, to allow the students to thrive academically and spiritually in this morally perverse culture that we find ourselves in.  

I want to invite you to take the next step in the process and inquire for more information about Aletheia United Academy. Let’s enter into a conversation to see if this type of learning environment is one that your student(s) can thrive in.  

The formal mascot at Aletheia is the Defenders. It is our goal to partner with parents to disciple the students into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. With the expectation that they will learn how to think and defend the truth set forth in God’s Holy scriptures.  

Join us as we train up the next generation of disciples, instilling truth, goodness, and beauty in the lives of our students for the glory of God and to the benefit of society.  

With Humble Regard, 

Kathryn Trivette
President, Co-Founder
Aletheia United Academy

See What God is Doing at Aletheia


Aletheia United Academy was chosen for the VELA Educational Grant. The VELA Founders Network supports the nation's leading entrepreneurs who are providing an alternative educational experience for their communities. Our Director of Administration, Jennifer Stokes, was vital to the grant application process and helped us to secure funding in less than three months! We are so thankful for God's faithfulness to provide for our hybrid learning community through the VELA Founders Network funding opportunities.


God has been so faithful to Aletheia United Academy in its inaugural year. We currently have 26 students who are eager to join together in community. The students gather for in classroom instruction three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to take classes together and build relationships. At Aletheia United Academy it is required that students stay on campus to eat lunch together each day. It is awesome to see students rallying around this model and excited to share moments and memories together; fostering community around the table. We have our first community gathering event planned, a Chili Cook-Off to start the academic year!

common arts

The common arts, also known as the servile, mechanical, or manual arts, are those arts that we all benefit from and participate in on some level of the human existence. At Aletheia United Academy we encourage growing knowledge in the good, the true, and beautiful. However, God impressed on our hearts early on to offer courses that help to mature the student in the useful and beneficial skills of the common person. We are excited to offer courses such as Home Economics, Emergency Medical Response, and Aviation in our first year of operation. We trust that these courses will help the students grow in their natural desire to use their hands and feet to serve a living God who made them to explore the common arts of our world.


The culture of Aletheia United Academy has already begun to flourish. It is an ongoing priority for the administration and the staff to create a culture of joy and enthusiasm in the classroom and on campus. As the fall kicks off we are excited to announce that we will be implementing a House System that is in line with the classical academic environment. The purpose of the House System is to intentionally develop a deeper sense of identity, belonging, and purpose amongst the students. It is also an opportunity for students, especially our Juniors and Seniors, to develop as leaders. Houses are centered around three major divisions: Tournament, Unity, and Outreach. We are excited to watch the culture deepen as students engage in community wide experiences that promote a culture of joy and unity amongst the students.