
Discover a Caring Community that Partners with You to Offer a Rich Biblical Worldview Education for your Student

Aletheia United Academy teaches all subjects as part of an integrated whole in light of God’s written word, the Bible, to inspire students to evaluate all that they learn and experience through the Word of God. Our goal is to know and love the beauty and glory of God, and to live, work, serve, and worship together as an educational community centered around the Lord Jesus Christ.


For centuries, education was grounded on an emphasis of imparting the basic tools of learning, designed to equip students in verbal and reasoning skills within a God-centered view of life. Today’s departure from teaching the basics has resulted in the current trend of declining student achievement. Dorothy Sayers, a renowned Oxford trained educator, in her essay, “The Lost Tools of Learning,” defined the structure of the classic educational process and found that it fit the natural learning development of children. She showed that the key elements of classical education – Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric – corresponded with the four natural learning stages of a child:

Beginning Grammar Grades K-3 Reading/Writing
Grammar Grades 3-6 Writing
Logic Grades 7-9 Thinking
Rhetoric Grades 10-12 Speaking
Course Beginning Grammar
Grade Level Grades K-3
Focus Reading/Writing
Course Grammar
Grade Level Grades 3-6
Focus Writing
Course Logic
Grade Level Grades 7-9
Focus Thinking
Course Rhetoric
Grade Level Grades 10-12
Focus Speaking


Aletheia United Academy desires to teach the wholehearted child from a biblical worldview. We believe that biblical worldview immersion is taught and impressed on the hearts and minds of students through the truth, beauty, and goodness of an intelligent God who designed the world with a created order. We believe that all subjects are interwoven with a spiritual fabric that cannot be separated. Because of this truth, all subjects are taught as an integrated whole.

Classical education is the foundation of our pedagogy, however, we desire to offer a complete well-rounded liberal arts education that also includes educational philosophies like Charlotte Mason. Charlotte Mason was a 19th century British educator whose work is popular in many homeschool circles. Aletheia United Academy implements aspects of a Charlotte Mason education into our curriculum and course offerings. Charlotte Mason believed education falls into three categories: Knowledge of God, Knowledge of Man, and Knowledge of the Universe. Knowledge of God is paramount and from Him comes all knowledge; for that reason, Mason started each school day with the study of the Bible, God’s Word. Without knowing God, all other knowledge is futile. Knowledge of Man encompasses the humanities: history, geography, reading, writing, literature, poetry, foreign languages, art, and music. Knowledge of the Universe includes math, science, and nature study. Aletheia United Academy begins each day with Morning Assembly based off of Charlotte Mason’s model to begin learning on the foundation of God’s Word.


Humanities Core

One of the primary focuses of our academic environment is to offer a rigorous Humanities and Writing core, which includes History, Literature, and Theology as well as a Writing class. Students applying to Aletheia United Academy are required to take the Humanities and Writing core selections. Aletheia desires to establish a community environment where relationships and discipleship are at the forefront of our academic goals.

CORE+ and Electives

Aletheia United Academy seeks to offer a well rounded education in the classical tradition, while utilizing other traditional Christian academic resources to strengthen our program. Aletheia offers CORE+ courses which include mathematics, science, and foreign-language. Other course offerings focus on the common arts to prepare students for success at the collegiate level and in the workforce.


Aletheia United Academy does not offer a beginning grammar level program at this time.  It is our desire to grow our campus slowly in order to offer a rich hybrid learning community that lasts for generations. With that in mind, we hope to add a beginning grammar program in the next one to two years. Please inquire if you desire to see a beginning grammar program at Aletheia United Academy. 


Aletheia United Academy does not offer a grammar level program at this time.  It is our desire to grow our campus slowly in order to offer a rich hybrid learning community that lasts for generations. With that in mind, we hope to add a grammar program in the next one to two years. Please inquire if you desire to see a grammar program at Aletheia United Academy. 


Aletheia United Academy’s Logic level is available for students in grade 7 and 8. The Logic students apply themselves in The Great Conversation I and The Great Conversation II. Within each area of study students learn Old and New Testament Survey, American and World History, American and World Literature, as well as Composition. Each of these disciplines are covered in a two year cycle. Additionally, we offer the common arts to round out a complete liberal arts education.  


Aletheia United Academy’s Rhetoric level is available for students in grades 9-12. The Rhetoric students apply themselves in Biblical Worldview I-IV,  Ancient, Medieval, Modern History and Literature. Government and American Documents are covered as well. Since all students at Aletheia United Academy are moving toward their Senior Thesis Project in their fourth year of the Rhetoric level, students discipline themselves in Composition I and II, Rhetoric I and Rhetoric II: Senior Thesis in 9-12 grade.  Students at the Rhetoric level build on the foundation of their classical education by exploring the common arts at a deeper level than the logic students.  Rhetoric students are encouraged to pursue their God given spiritual gifts to help them make a well formed decision on their future aspirations post graduation.  

Join the Aletheia Tribe,
The Defenders

Aletheia United Academy offers a collaborative model that ensures the future academic success of your student.  Take the next step and inquire today to learn how our community can join hands with you in your home educating academic experience.